Stem Cell Therapy

The body’s joints gradually start to ache as time progresses.  If you have ankle or foot arthritis, an injury from sports or general pain in the lower extremity that makes it difficult to be active, consider the merits of stem cell therapy.  Stem cell therapy provides relief yet does not require an invasive surgery.  Nor does stem cell therapy mandate a lengthy recovery period.  Stem cells are cells in the body resulting from specialty cells that form in a natural manner.  Also referred to as regenerative medicine, this form of therapy relies on specialized cells to facilitate the repair of diseased, injured or dysfunctional tissue.

It is now possible to grow stem cells in a lab and transplant them into your body with the overarching guidance of our medical professionals here in La Quinta, Palm Springs and Rancho Mirage, California.  Stem cells require the use of a local anesthetic to mitigate potential pain.  Furthermore, there is no need to wait through a lengthy period of downtime after the treatment.  You can return to work, household chores and other activities immediately after stem cell therapy.  Stem cell therapy is used for ankle and foot conditions ranging from sports injuries to ankle tendon tears, osteoarthritis, plantar fasciitis, ligament sprains, bunions and more.