Foot & Ankle Fracture

The treatment of a foot and ankle fracture centers on the alignment of bones and the stabilization of the ankle joint. Our aim is to ensure the bones heal to perfection or at least as close to perfection as possible. This thorough healing minimizes residual instability as well as the improper alignment of the bone. Most patients are surprised to learn malalignment of a mere two millimeters within the ankle joint has the potential to cause arthritis. It is that much easier to treat fractures as opposed to arthritis in the years ahead.

Meet with a foot and ankle specialist at West Coast Foot And Ankle Center and we will determine if your fracture is mild or severe. If the break is mild, it might be possible to stabilize it without displacement, allowing for nonsurgical treatment with the use of a leg cast, splint or another protective device. As an example, you might benefit from the use of a walking boot. If necessary, you will be provided with crutches to minimize weightbearing. However, there is also a chance you will be able to walk without any form of support.

If the fracture is serious and its fragments or bones are misaligned, surgical intervention will be required to eliminate the potential for improper healing referred to as a malunion. Malunion is problematic as it prevents the optimal movement in the ankle, potentially allowing for additional complications down the line.

Examples of the different treatment approaches for fractured ankles include continued elevation, pain medication, the use of a cast or splint for alignment and rest. Our team might also recommend staying off your feet for a lengthy period of time or icing your ankle. However, surgery might be required to correct the fracture. Above all, we will prioritize healing the bone in the proper manner, allowing for the best possible alignment that mitigates the potential for ongoing issues including arthritis.